Programme SAP RJVFLB00 - IS-M/SD: List Carrier Routes with Orders for Shipping Problem Message

This program displays a list of the orders for any error messagesrecorded for the carrier route in the specified period.

Selection options:
You can restrict selection to certain publications or publications andeditions. You can also choose the following indicators to restrict thelist further:

  • Carrier route outstanding

  • Partially outstanding

  • Home delivery delayed

  • Subsequent delivery indicator

  • Postprocessing indicator

  • Please note that if you select both the indicators 'Carrier routeoutstanding' and 'Partially outstanding' the restriction is only madefor 'Partially outstanding'.

    In the standard system, the list is sorted by carrier route andaddress. If you select the field 'Sort by publication/edition' on theselection screen, the list is sorted by carrier route,publication/edition and address.

    List output:
    The list takes a new page for each carrier route, listing thepublication, edition, order and item number and the address of thesold-to party for that carrier route. You can then edit the ordersusing the 'Edit order' function.