Programme SAP RJVELPP - IS-M/SD: Goods Arrival List for Per.Post

Goods arrival list for periodical post

  • This report creates the goods arrival list for a postal distribution
  • indicator and a publication date.
    • If several editions are grouped under one postal distribution
    • indicator, the report begins a new page for each edition.
      • The data in the goods arrival list is stored in tables JLTP1PKZ,
      • JLTP1PVA, JLTP1TAL and JLTP1BLG and are available there for use in thesettlement check. The data on a goods arrival list can only beoverwritten if there is no accompanying check document (settlementstatus: 'unchecked').
        • In the print control settings, you can specify the form that is to be
        • used as well as further spool control parameters.
          • The default printer is taken from the user master record.

          • Example form:

          • ISP_DEP_2003
            • Symbols used: All the fields in the following structures are available
            • for use. Their meanings can be determined from the data elementassigned to them.
              The most important fields are:
              RJLV09D-EINLIEFDAT,,Goods arrival date
              RJLV09D-EINLIEFKEN,,Goods arrival ID (not used)
              RJLV09D-POSTLISTNR,,Number of goods arrival list
              RJLV09D-POABRECHNR,,Settlement number of an item
              RJLV09D-EXEMPLARE,,Number of copies for a settlement number
              RJLV09D-GEWICHT,,Weight of carrying issue or an insert
              RJLV09D-CPOVERKZ,,Postal distribution indicator
              RJLV09D-CNRIMJAHR,,Issue number
              RJLV09D-CELJAHR,,Goods arrival year
              RJLV09D-CELMONAT,,Goods arrival month
              RJLV09D-CELTAG,,Goods arrival day
              RJLV09D-CELKENNUNG,,ID (not used at present)
              RJLV09D-CLISTEN_NR,,Number of goods arrival list
              RJLV09D-CABRECHNR,,Settlement number
              RJLV09D-CEXEMPLARE,,Number of copies
              Fields RJLV09D-C... contain the data in locked form (X_X_X_X_X_X...)and is available in a form for output.