Programme SAP RJVEDS01 - IS-M/SD: Create Goods Arrival Record (GAR)

This report creates the goods arrival record for postal shipping ofpostal distribution items according to version 2.0 of the Germanperiodical post handbook of April 18, 1997.
The report creates four record types:
- Record type 01 - Header
- Record type 02 - Pallet
- Record type 03 - Postal code package quantities
- Record type 05 - Sender/charge
This report can only process standard pallets: it is not possible tocreate a goods arrival record for pallets containing a mixture oftitles.
The goods arrival record can only be created properly if you maintainthe data described below.
On the initial screen for shipping preparation, choose Shippingdocuments -> Postal documents -> Goods arrival record.
Under the menu option 'Plant data for GAR', you can maintain thefollowing information for each plant (location from which shipping takesplace for the edition): customer number and customer name of producer,country indicator for pickup point of producer according to DIN norm(please note that the country indicator contains four digits so theentry would be 0276 for Germany, for example), transport indicator andgoods arrival type. The report only allows goods arrival without jobsplitting, so that you must choose 'O' as the goods arrival type. Thecustomer number and customer name of the sender, the product number(e.g. 1311 - postal distribution item), the customer number and name ofthe EDP customer are still recorded here.
Under 'Dif.1stSale/', you record the first sales date and thehome delivery date if these differ from the publication date.
You should also note that the sales indicator for the press objectshould be entered with seven characters (if a sales key figure only has5 characters, for example C8041, the entry is C_08041).

Output is made to the physical file on the application computer that isassigned to the logical file name in basis customizing.
The report outputs a log and error list.
The report can also be started as a test run, in which case there is nooutput to a file.