Programme SAP RJVCLFBL_VDAT - IS-M: Generate Issue Mixes (by Shipping Date)


Program RJVCLFBL_VDAT generates issue, insert and ad mixes selected byshipping date.
Two programs are available for generating issue mixes:

  • RJVCLFBL: Generate Issue Mixes (selected by publication date)

  • RJVCLFBL_VDAT: Generate Issue Mixes (selected by shipping date)

  • This program identifies issues that match the selection criteria forwhich issue mixes have not yet been generated in full. The issue mixesare then completed for these issues by executing program RJVCLFBL.
    Issue (insert and ad) mixes are always generated for a whole issue.This is generally done by program RJVCLFBL. Selection takes place bypublication date.
    Issue mixes are usually generated before shipping actually takes placeto allow you to maintain bundling rules for the issue mixes. (Forfurther information, see the documentation on program RJVCLFBL.)
    In exceptional cases, deliveries that do not yet have mixes or are notassigned issue mixes may come into being after the issue mixes havebeen generated and before shipping takes place.
    To ensure that these deliveries also have issue mixes, you can includethis report in the shipping chain with the appropriate selection(selection by shipping date).
    Report RJVCLFBL_VDAT selects all deliveries (by shipping date as wellas other selection options) for which no issue mix has yet beengenerated.
    The function 'Generate issue mix' is executed for all issues in thesedeliveries (for which the issue mixes have not yet been generatedfully).
    (Recommendation: Once mixes have been generated, you should select theparameter 'Do not generate new mixes' when running the program. Forfurther information, see the report documentation for RJVCLFBL.)

    Selection criteria:
    Report RJVCLFBL_VDAT starts report RJVCLFBL for the publication dates(and according to the further selection criteria) for which the issuemixes are still to be completed.
    Selection can take place for specific publications, editions andplants. These selection criteria for report RJVCLFBL_VDAT are passed onas selection criteria to report RJVCLFBL for each publication date.
    A further parameter controls whether the program is to be executed liveor as a test run.
    Another parameter allows you to check the consistency of basic bookingunits (for which ad insert order schedule lines exist).
    A further parameter allows you to determine whether new mixes are to begenerated when the function is executed.
    You can either specify or determine the shipping date. If you selectthe parameter 'Soonest possible shipping date', the program determinesthe soonest possible shipping date that corresponds to the selectioncriteria.
    You must make the following output control specifications for the logsfor the function 'Generate issue mixes' (per publication date):
    - Printer
    - Number of printouts
    - Immediate printing
    - Delete after output
    - Retention period (in days)
    - Print cover sheet
    - Text

    Blocking and authorization checks are only carried out by programRJVCLFBL.

    Report RJVCLFBL_VDAT prints out a summarized list of all issues forwhich the issue mixes were generated or completed.
    The list contains the issue number, publication, edition andpublication date.
    More detailed information is included in the lists for the function'Generate issue mixes' (per publication date). If the function'Generate issue mixes' is executed for one or more publication dates,these logs (for report RJVCLFBL) are output to a spool file.