Programme SAP RJVBEZRD - Convert Delivery Rounds (for Upgrade to Release 3.04 or Higher)

Conversion of delivery round

You should run this report after the upgrade to 3.04. The new, globallyvalid delivery rounds should be defined in customizing.

  • Replace globally: the new delivery round is inserted in all tables

  • Viability set for geographical unit: These delivery viability sets can
  • be assigned to a geographical unit
    If you want to change individual delivery viability sets, these must bemaintained directly.
    • Truck routes: All truck routes are assigned to the new delivery round

    • Once this is done, the delivery round can no longer be changed in thetruck route. If you want to change the delivery round in individualtruck routes, you must maintain these routes directly.

      From Release 3.04, a delivery round is no longer defined for eachcarrier route but globally for all carrier routes.
      This report is used to determine all the delivery rounds defined in thesystem and if required to replace a delivery round that is no longerrequired by a different round.