Programme SAP RJSBW_AM_COA_UNLOAD - Unload Contracts Temporarily from BW

Report RJSBW_AM_COA_UNLOAD is used to facilitate consistent update in aconnected Business Information Warehouse if changes are made to themaster data or Customizing that do not directly affect COAs (or COAassignments and billing items with COA assignments) but influence theassigned time slice rules and therefore distribution of target values.
Example: A COA requirement with a time slice rule that distributestarget values in the respective time slices using the number ofpublication dates. If the underlying publication control (factorycalendar, frequency rule) is then changed, target values must bedistributed amongst all time slices again. Since changes to publicationcontrol do not normally directly affect the COA, standard deltamanagement in BW cannot automatically generate entries in the deltaqueue that are necessary to adjust data in BW consistently.
Report RJSBW_AM_COA_UNLOAD means it is possible to make these types ofchanges. This data can be "unloaded" and "reloaded" for a givenselection of COAs (that have already been loaded in BW in an InitialUpload).
During "Unload", all transaction data for selected COAs that has beenloaded into a BW using the DataSources 0ME_ISM_AM_COA_1,0ME_ISM_AM_COA_2 and 0ME_ISM_AM_COA_3 is cancelled. This means thatthe data records are reloaded into a delta queue and assigned acancellation indicator. A delta upload into BW will delete this data.
During "Reload", new evaluations using DataSources 0ME_ISM_AM_COA_1,0ME_ISM_AM_COA_2 and 0ME_ISM_AM_COA_3 are performed for the selectedCOAs as a result of the current data and written in a delta queue.
The scenario described above can now be implemented so that if themaster data/Customizing settings are changed:
1. The current data is "unloaded"
2. Transaction data or Customizing settings are changed, and finally
3. COA data/assignments/billing items are restructured by a "Reload"according to the changed settings.
4. Delta uploads to the connected BW system(s).
A worklist is created in step 1 to manage the data. (This worklist canbe assigned any name). By selecting this worklist in step 3, you canthen reload the changed associated new data into the delta queue.
JSBW_AM_COA_UNLOAD is based on the logical database HVOJ (selection ofgeneral contracts). This means that the report can use free selectionsto adapt the selection criteria in a fleixible way to meet the user'srequirements. You can also select by publications.