Programme SAP RJPSDISSUEDSEQGEN - IS-M: Automatic Assignment of Default Values to Issue Sequence

Automatic preassignment of issue sequences

You can use this report to preassign issue sequences to media products.
Preassignment for each media product is based on the rule specified forthe issue sequence. (If there is no rule maintained in the issuesequence, you cannot perform preassignment using this report.)
Preassignment can take place for a period or for "the next n issues".
Issues created in this way in the issue sequence can be created as planvalues (red light) or can already be flagged for media issue creation(yellow light).
When data is preassigned by this report, new entries are always added atthe end of the issue sequence.

Before you can preassign the sequence, an issue sequence that contains arule for preassignment must be created for the selected media products.

Media products can be selected by name, frequency and material group. Inaddition, you can select media products by specifying a business partner(in a particular role).
You can carry out preassignment either for a time interval or for thenext n issues.
You can flag the issues in the sequence for media issue creation.

The log is formatted according to the standards for application logdisplay.
(You can list logs using report RJPSDISSUEDSEQGEN_PROT.)
This report lists the media issues that were appended in the issuesequence for each media product.
Any errors that occur are listed for each media product.