Programme SAP RJPPERIODCHANGE464 - IS-M: Convert Frequency in Media Product After Import >=4.64

Conversion of media product frequencies after import of IS-M Release4.64

Report RJDPERIODCHANGE464 must be executed once in each client after theupgrade to 4.64. The report converts the previous frequencies for mediaproducts (previously stored in table TJD03) to the new frequencies(system table TJD03_MP) and the new publication frequency (tableTJPPERIOD01).
(Authorization S_BTCH_ADM is required in order to execute thisconversion program.)

Meaning of attributes in media product:

  • Frequency (MARA.-ISMPERRULE) in the media product:

  • As of 4.64, only the following frequencies are allowed for mediaproducts: daily, weekly, monthly. These frequencies are delivered as asystem table and cannot be maintained in Customizing. You can assigndefault values for the issue sequence automatically (by maintaining arule) for all new frequencies.
    • Publication frequency (MARA-ISMPERIODTXT) in the media product:

    • The frequencies maintained previously in the media product have beenconverted to a new attribute of the media product: the publicationfrequency (table TJPPERIOD01). This new attribute only contains text andis not relevant for generation. The publication frequency is aCustomizing table and can be maintained according to a customer'sindividual requirements.

      Data Conversion:
      Frequencies used previously in the media product (tables TJD03 andTJD04) are copied to the publication frequency (tables TJPPERIOD01 andTJDPERIOD02) under the same key, including the short and long text. Thismeans the following:

      • "Old" frequencies with the specification "daily" (TJD03) used previously
      • in the media product are converted to the new frequency "daily"(TJD03_MP). The publication frequency is also set to "daily". (The rulefor assigning default values to the issue sequence remains unchanged.)
        • "Old" frequencies with the specification "weekly" (TJD03) used
        • previously in the media product are converted to the new frequency"weekly" (TJD03_MP). The publication frequency is also set to "weekly".(The rule for assigning default values to the issue sequence isconverted but the function of the rule remains unchanged.)
          • Previous frequencies in the media product that were not daily or weekly
          • are initialized. The previous specification of the frequency istransferred to the publication frequency.

            Technical Background Information:

            • Daily frequencies are marked in table TJD03 by the following
            • specifications: repetition period "WCH", grid "TAG", grid divider "1",grid factor "1".
              • Weekly frequencies are marked in table TJD03 by the following
              • specifications: repetition period "WCH", grid "WCH", grid divider "1",grid factor "1".
                • Generation rules for media products with daily frequency are stored in
                • table JDTGENER with the object type "04" and those with weekly ormonthly frequency with the object type "05". (In Releases previous to4.64, rules for weekly frequency were recorded with object type "04";this report converts these rules to object type "05".)

                  Data Conversion is not Possible in the Following Cases:
                  The report cannot convert the data in the following unusual situations(when the report is executed, the system analyzes whether one of thesesituations applies and if so, this is logged; the data is then notconverted automatically):

                  • If there are media products that have "old" frequencies (TJD03) with the
                  • specifications "daily" or "weekly" under the "DAY" or "WEEK" keys andthese old frequencies do NOT correspond to a daily or weekly frequency,customer-specific modifications must be made to this report for dataconversion.
                    • A customer-specific modification is also required if media products are
                    • assigned "old" frequencies under the key "MONTH".