Programme SAP RJPMPSYNCHRO_DELTA463 - IS-M: Media Product Synchronization: Synchronized Material Types

List of Material Types that Exist for Synchronized Media Products

You can use this report to list the material types for whichsynchronized media products exist.
You can use this list during the upgrade to IS-M Release 4.63 as thebasis for converting the control settings for media productsynchronization.
Converting media product synchronization for Release 4.63:

  • Previous to 4.63, the general IS-M control parameters determined
  • whether or not media products were synchronized to M/SD. In the controlparameters, you could select the indicator "Media productsynchronization active", which then applied to the entire client.
    • With Release 4.63, this indicator no longer exists. You can now control
    • media product synchronization according to the material type.
      This means you can work with media products that are synchronized toM/SD and with media products that do not have synchronization in thesame client.