Programme SAP RJPMPMIGRATION_JFREVVA - IS-M: Convert JFREVVA in Media Product Migration

Conversion of entries in table JFREVVA in media product migration
(Table JFREVVA is the accrual table for issue-oriented revenue accrualwithout a liability account.)
You should only execute this report in media product migration ifissue-oriented revenue accrual without a liability account is activefor the publication to be migrated.

The report can only be executed in media product migration.
In media product migration, issues are deleted from a migration dateand created again as media issues that are synchronized with theperiodical product master.
If the revenue accrual table JFREVVA contains issues that are migrated,you must convert these table entries by executing this report (duringmedia product migration).

If the revenue accrual table JFREVVA contains entries for issues thatare to be migrated, you must ensure that the new media issues createdin migration at least cover the period for which JFREVVA entries exist.
(If the issue sequences created in migration are copied in theirentirety, this is always the case.)


  • The selection criterion is the publication to be migrated.

  • You can execute the program as a test run.
  • Output
    The program first lists issues that could be converted in JFREVVA.
    It then lists issues that could not be converted in JFREVVA.
    If this is the case, for example because entries were deleted from theissue sequences created in migration, you must add the missing data tothese issue sequences so that table JFREVVA can be converted fullybefore migration is completed.