Programme SAP RJPMPGEN_MPSEL - IS-M: Create Media Issues in Issue Sequences

Create media issues in issue sequences for several media products

Report RJPMPGEN_MPSEL creates the media issues in issue sequences (forseveral media products) that are marked for creation in the issuesequences.
(The report creates media issues that are marked with a yellow trafficlight symbol in the issue sequences.)

Issue sequences for which media issues are to be created are selectedby media products. Besides the media product itself, you can alsoselect by frequencies and material groups for media products. Inaddition, you can also perform selection by a business partner in arole, based on the business partner assignments for the media products.
A further parameter allows you to control whether or not creation takesplace as a test run.

Report RJPMPGEN_MPSEL lists the media products for which the functionfor creating media issues in the issue sequence was started.
The detailed logs of these generation procedures are written to theapplication log and can then be displayed for each media product usingreport RJPMPGEN_PROT or directly in the issue sequence for the mediaproduct.