Programme SAP RJPMEDAUSSHIFT - IS-M: Move Publication Date of Issue

Move Publication Date for an Issue (Synchronized with M/SD)

Report RJPMEDAUSSHIFT moves the publication date of an issue(synchronized with M/SD).
(In the case of media issues not synchronized with M/SD, you can changethe publication directly in individual maintenance for the media issue.Report RJPMEDAUSSHIFT does not change the publication date for mediaissues that are not synchronized with M/SD.)

If you move the publication date of a media issue with this report, thesystem modifies the production unit, M/SD orders and M/AM ordersaccordingly.
This modification involves checks on a large volume of data, so that itmay be advisable to execute the report in background processing.


  • The media issue must exist in M/SD.

  • The new publication date must be between the publication dates of the
  • previous and next media issues.
    • Planning must not have taken place in M/SD for the media product, i.e.
    • the edition, on the old and new publication dates.

      You can select the media issue to be moved by specifying the mediaissue.
      You must also specify the new publication date and the issue changetype (maintained in Customizing).
      A further parameter allows you to choose to execute the report as atest run (without database updates).

      The layout of the log corresponds to the standards for application logdisplay.
      The modifications to objects affected are logged in sequence:

      • Modifications to media product data (media issue)

      • Modifications to M/SD product data (issue)

      • Modifications to M/AM product data (production unit)

      • Modifications to M/SD orders

      • Modifications to M/AM orders

      • The order change type is used, among otherthings, to determine whether M/AM order items affected by moving anissue are modified directly or collected initially in awork area.
        M/AM orders collected in a work area can then be refreshed using thereport Regenerate Order Items.
        This variant allows you to avoid refreshing an order item more thanonce. This was sometimes the case previously, when several issuescreated together in one order (for example, by means of a combinedbooking unit) were moved.
        • Modifications to M/SD renewals (refresh of renewal index)

        • The log for each object affected has the following structure:
          • 1.) Indication whether update or test run

          • 2.) Indication that object modification is beginning

          • 3.) Various information or error messages for object modification

          • 4.) Indication that object modification is completed

          • Example: Log of modification of M/AM product data:
            1.) Test run, no database update
            2.) Start: "Move issue" in M/AM product data
            3.) No production unit found for issue xxxxx
            4.) "Move issue" complete in M/AM product data
            If you execute this report in background processing, you can alsodisplay the log using report RJDVAEXTERN_PROT. Unlike the spool list,this report provides you with the functions available in applicationlogs, for example, you can double click on the messages to displaytheir long texts.

            To define how the system is to respond when modifying objects (M/SD andM/AM orders) in Customizing under Tools -> Data Transfer -> Managementof External Issues -> Maintain Issue Change Types.
            (Note: You can also use the functions for moving issues in externalissue management, which is why the Customizing settings are located inthis section.)

            • You can specify for M/SD orders whether or not the from-/to-date is
            • also to be moved for unlimited changes. (Note: M/SD orders are onlymoved for products for which copy numbers are displayed and checked.This setting is made for each publication in the product mix.)
              • You can specify for M/AM orders which status characteristic is to be
              • selected for the order item.
                • You can specify for M/AM orders whether or not and how they are to be
                • modified when issues are moved.
                  If M/AM orders are modified, the item characteristic is not selected.