Programme SAP RJOCUST1 - IS-M/SD: Customizing Consistency Check for Purchasing Organizations

Program RJOCUST1 performs a check run on the customizing settings. Theprogram checks that a purchasing organization is defined for allexisting sales areas for the selected service types.

Selection options
The check run can be restricted to certain service types.

The log lists the service types and sales areas for which no purchasingorganizations are defined.
It is particularly important to ensure that the purchasingorganizations are fully maintained for the service type 'homedelivery', since errors can otherwise occur in home delivery settlementfor the service company.

List output for check run:
The log lists the service types and sales areas for which no purchasingorganizations are defined.

Fields output:

  • SType (Service type)

  • SOrg (Sales organization)

  • DChan (Distribution channel)

  • Division