Programme SAP RJNAST01 - Overview of Status of Output in Output Control

Report RJNAST01 is part of IS-M/SD's output control functions andcreates an overview of the output stored in table NAST for furtherprocessing. You can use this report to transmit output with thefollowing transmission times:
- 1: Next selection run
- 2: Time specified
Transmission times 3 (explicit request) and 4 (immediate) are onlydisplayed; transmission cannot be repeated for these.
Transmission medium 8 (special function) is only displayed;
transmission cannot be repeated.
You must select at least one object on the selection screen and canchoose sort criteria.

Output must be defined for the selected application objects.

The report generates a list from which further processing can betriggered.
Deleting individual output
Selected output can be deleted from NAST.

  • Print preview of output

  • Initial or repeated transmission of output

  • Postediting of output

  • You can edit selected output using the SAPscript editor or a PCapplication. Please note that formatting specifications (such as pagebreak, font or font size) will be lost if you do this.
    If the form used only comprises the MAIN window, the format settings inthe form are also available for use.
    If you cannot start the PC editor, please make the Customizing settingsfor WinWord in the IMG under 'Basic Functions -> Editor for Notes ->WinWord -> Customizing for WW'.
    • Changing the output device

    • If you select the parameter 'With business partner data', the reportalso displays the partner number, role and address for each output.
      The following columns are explained below with their characteristics:
      • Dest = Destination (output device)

      • Time = Transmission time for output

      • 1 = Transmit with next selection run, e.g. RJNAST00 online
        2 = Transmit with time specification, e.g. RJNAST00 in background
        3 = Explicit request, e.g. through application function
        4 = Immediately (during application update)
        • Stat. = Output status

        • 1 = Printout
          2 = Fax
          3 = Teletex
          4 = Telex
          6 = EDI
          7 = SAPoffice
          8 = Special function
          9 = Workflow events
          A = Distribution (ALE)
          T = Workflow: Task
          • Dat.proc. = Processing date of output (transmission date)