Programme SAP RJNAST00 - Selection for Output Transmission

This report belongs to IS-M/SD's output control functions and is usedin transmitting output that is stored in table NAST for furtherprocessing.
Report RJNAST00 can be used to transmit output with the followingtransmission times:
1 = next selection run
2 = time specified
Transmission times 3 (explicit request) and 4 (immediate) are notpossible.
The 'Repeat transmission' indicator on the selection screen determinesthe status of the output selected:

  • If the indicator is not selected, the report only selects output that
  • has not yet been processed (status: 0).
    • If the indicator is selected, only output that has already been
    • processed (either correctly or with errors) (status: 1 or 2).
      You must select at least one object on the selection screen and canthen select by document number for each object.
      If you select the application object 'Billing', this can be sorted bythe address of the output partner (payer or bill-to party).
      For technical reasons, processing output for individual documents maylead to extremely long runtimes (the report still reads the output forall documents in the application from the database). To do this, pleaseuse report RJNAST01.

      Output must be defined for the selected application objects.

      The output is transmitted and placed in the SAP spool for printing orin the recipient's mail inbox if a mail is to be sent. If errors occur,the report creates an error list indicating the number of times outputwas transmitted (this number can also be 0).

1674912Digital Signature for Portugal in IS-M/SD billing