Programme SAP RJL_ZUPW - IS-M/SD: Transfer Home Delivery Settlement to Human Resources

Transfer of home delivery settlements to Human Resources.
Wage type determination is performed for each settlement. The actualtransfer is performed by the function module that is assigned to eventPERS01 in the appropriate company code in the IMG. In the standarddelivery, the transfer is performed by function moduleISP_PAYROLL_ACCOUNTING_BTCI, which sets up batch input sessions in thedestination system.

The following prerequisites must be fulfilled in order to transfer homedelivery settlements to Human Resources - otherwise the settlement willnot be transferred:

  • These settlements must contain a personnel number. This personnel
  • number is determined from the employment relationship.
    • If you perform a live run, the affected documents are blocked.
    • Documents that cannot be blocked are not transferred.

      You can have the program create a detailed log if required.