Programme SAP RJLPOSEE - IS-M/SD: Postal Charges for Reduced Charge Package

Postal check forecast for reduced charge package

  • Data basis: Drop-offs

  • Selection screen

  • You can specify the publication and edition or instead the postaldistribution indicator.
    You can define the period for evaluation by specifying the shippingdate.


    • Postal charges for reduced charge packages are calculated differently
    • according to the rate chosen for an edition.
      Unit rate: The charge is based on the weight of a package (includingall inserts, gross weight).
      Kilo rate: Based on the total number of packages delivered and theirtotal weight (including all inserts, gross weight). Charges cannottherefore be determined for specific publications or editions but onlyfor an entire shipment.
      • The German postal service currently (April 1st 1995) makes no
      • distinction between 'Europe' and the 'World'. However, four variants ofpackage types have been defined in the System in order to deal withpossible future changes to the postal charge structure.
        Europe airmail
        World airmail
        Europe land
        World land
        The same charges must be recorded for both land variants.
        • The total charges for 'Europe land' and 'World land' in the kilo rate
        • may differ by DM 0.01 from the charge determined from the total weightwhich is rounded less exactly.
          • The currency must correspond to the currency of the postal charges
          • recorded in the System.
            • A package may consist of several copies of a newspaper.
            • Output

              • The list generated provides a detailed overview of the charges
              • incurred.
                • Charges made using the unit rate and kilo rate are listed separately.

                • Double click on a line or choose the pushbutton 'Display condition' to
                • analyze the conditions and value on which a charge is based. Thefunctions available on in this overview are the same as those instandard pricing.