Programme SAP RJLPOABR - IS-M/SD: Charge Forecast for Periodical Post

Description: postal charge forecast for postal distribution units

  • Data basis: Goods arrival list

  • The charges calculate are saved in a check document and the result of
  • the check is noted.
    • Selection screen:

    • Specify publication and edition or postal distribution indicatorinstead.
      Definition of evaluation period either by specifying shipping date,publication date, goods arrival list number (and year) or issue number(and year).
      • You can specify the number of an existing check document to display it
      • again. This number must be specified to delete the document.


        • The postal charges for postal distribution units depend on the
        • following criteria:
          Number of newspapers that have arrived for an edition
          Weight of newspaper including publisher's inserts
          Publication frequency
          Type of inserts
          Weight of inserts
          • The currency must be the same as that of the postal charges recorded.

          • When the check result is saved, all selected goods arrival lists are
          • assigned to a check document. This check document thus corresponds tothe postal settlement. If you want to delete this assignment (forexample, because the wrong goods arrival lists have been groupedtogether), you must delete the check document.
            • When you delete the check document, the check status of the relevant
            • goods arrival lists is set to 'unchecked'.
              • It is only possible to create a goods arrival list again if it is not
              • assigned to a check document. It may be necessary to delete thisassignment first ('Delete check document').
                • If all the selected goods arrival lists belong to one check document,
                • this is displayed. If you want to perform valuation again, this can bedone using the function 'Repeat pricing'. The check status is thenreset to 'unchecked'.
                  • If all the selected goods arrival lists are unchecked, a new settlement
                  • check is performed.


                    • The lists generated provide an overview of the charges incurred on
                    • various drilldown levels as well as a list of the charges forindividual editions in the period.
                      Summarized list: Charges for the carrying issue and the inserts(summarized by the various partial circulations) classified bypublication date (issue number).
                      Detailed list: Charges for the carrying issue and inserts (separatelyfor each partial circulation) classified by goods arrival lists.
                      • In the detailed list, you can double click on a line or choose the
                      • 'Display condition' pushbutton to analyze the conditions behind apostal charge and their values. The functions available for doing thisare the same as the pricing functions in the standard System.
                        • Functions

                        • 'Other list': Switch between detailed and summarized lists
                          'Change check status': Set check status to 'Checked and OK' or 'Checkedand not OK'
                          'Repeat pricing': All conditions are valuated again and the new valuesdetermined are listed
                          'Info on access': Displays values used to access pricing
                          Menu option 'Update weights': If the actual weight of a carrying issueor an insert has changed since the goods arrival list was created, theweights in the data on which the goods arrival list is based must beupdated. This function enables you to adjust the data if you ignoredthe prompt to do this when starting the report.