Programme SAP RJKWWWTEMP_COMPL - Process Complaints from the Internet

Process Complaints from the Internet,,,,

You can use this report to process complaint data from the Internet. Itis still possible to pass on the data to complaint processing (programSAPMJKCOMPL) and continue processing there.

The report is a postediting function of the Internet applicationcomponent (IAC) Create Complaint.

Complaint data has been stored temporarily from the Internet. You candefine whether data is stored temporarily and for what reason in theCustomizing settings for the IAC. The following options are possible:

  • Store all complaint data from the Internet temporarily

  • Only store errored complaint data (in this context, errors would
  • include the fact that a complaint already exists for the complaintperiod and order)
    • Do not store any complaint data temporarily

    • You can make this setting in the field 'Data Destination' inCustomizing for the IAC Create Complaint, under SAP Media -> MediaSales and Distribution -> Periodical Sales and Distribution -> Sales ->Complaint -> Internet Application Components (IACs) -> IAC CreateComplaint -> Define Variants of the IAC CreateComplaint.

      You can specify criteria on the selection screen to restrict thecomplaint data you want to postedit.

      The system lists the complaint records that correspond to yourselection criteria. Here, you have a wide range of options for sorting,exporting or filtering the list. A traffic light icon indicates thestatus of a record stored temporarily:

      • A green light indicates that a complaint has already been created for
      • this entry.
        • A yellow light indicates that the entry was not stored temporarily due
        • to an error but because this is specified in the Customizing settings.A complaint has not yet been created for this entry.
          • A red light denotes that an attempt has already been made to create a
          • complaint for this entry (either directly in the Internet or duringpostediting at an earlier time), but that an error occurred. An errormessage provides you with details of the error.

            Functions in the List
            If you double click on an entry or choose the relevant button, you canaccess a detail screen. The following functions are still available inthe list:

            • Create complaint (for the selected entry or the entry on which the
            • cursor is positioned).
              • Create complaints for all selected entries. You can set up this
              • function to stop and display the detail screen when errors occur. It isalso possible to skip errors and/or have them marked with an errormessage in the list. Entries that have already been processed or thathave been deleted or locked by a user working in parallel are skipped.
                Note: Select data with the mouse by depressing the left mouse buttonand dragging the cursor over the selection column on the left. You canselect individual entries that are not in sequence by pressing the Ctrlkey when selecting with the mouse.
                • Delete entry from the temporary table. You can always recover the last
                • entry deleted by this function.
                  • Delete selected entries. This function allows you to delete records
                  • that have been processed, for example, from the list.

                    Functions on the Detail Screen
                    The functions available on the detail screen depend on the status ofthe entry. The following functions are possible regardless of thestatus:

                    • Display previous or next list entry on detail screen

                    • Delete current entry from list. The report then returns to the list.
                    • You can restore the last record deleted, if necessary.
                      • Display publication days in complaint period. This function is intended
                      • as an aid when creating the complaint in postediting. The systemdisplays the publication days for the basic order in the complaintperiod.
                        • Display basic order

                        • Show and hide complaint text. Your customers may be able to enter a
                        • text when recording their complaint in the Internet. You can eithershow or hide this text on the detail screen. You can also change thetext if the entry has not yet been processed.
                          If an entry has been processed successfully, the following function ispossible:
                          • Display complaint order

                          • The following functions are available for entries that have not yetbeen processed:
                            • Switch between display and change modes for this entry. In change mode,
                            • you can make the necessary changes or additions to the complaint datato allow the complaint to be created.
                              • Create complaint: This function starts the procedure for creating a
                              • complaint with the current data. If errors occur, the entry isdisplayed in change mode for further processing.
                                • Transfer data to complaint processing. This function allows you to
                                • transfer the data on the current entry to standard complaintprocessing, where you can use the usual dialog. If a complaint iscreated in complaint processing, a confirmation is made to the entry inthe temporary table during update and the entry is marked as processed.When you return to postediting from complaint processing, the entry maystill be marked as not processed. This may be because the updateprocess is not yet completed. If you want to check that update istaking place correctly, you can use the function to refresh thecomplaint data.

                                  Logging Complaints
                                  If specified in the Customizing settings for the IAC, a log record iscreated when a complaint is created in postediting or when data istransferred to complaint processing. You can display the log usingreport RJKWWW_PROTOCOL.