Programme SAP RJKWWWTEMP - IS-M: Edit Order Data from Internet

Edit Temporarily Stored Data from Internet

This report enables you to continue processing order and businesspartner data temporarily stored from the Internet.
When you record subscription or ad orders in the Internet, the orderscan be rejected or stored in a temporary table if errors occur orduplicates are identified. You can use this report to postprocess theorders stored temporarily.

The report is a postprocessing function for the Internet applicationcomponents Subscription Sales (Media Sales andDistribution) and Enter Classified Ad (Advertising Management).

Internet data must have been stored temporarily. You can define inCustomizing whether or not data is stored temporarily and for whatreasons.
Media Sales and Distribution:
SAP Media -> Media Sales and Distribution -> Sales -> Order ->Internet Application Components -> IAC Subscription Sales ->Definition of Variants of IAC SubscriptionSales , field Data destin.
Advertising Management:
SAP Media -> Advertising Management -> Sales -> Order -> InternetApplication Components -> Entry of Classified Ads ->General Settigngs, field Datadestin.

You can restrict selection of the orders you want to postprocess on theselection screen.

The program creates a list of the selected orders. The output screencontains a wide range of functions for sorting, filtering and exportingthe list.
The traffic light icon indicates the status of the record. The colorshave the following meanings:
Green:,,A business partner and an order have been created successfullyin the system for this entry.
Yellow:,,This entry has not yet been processed.
Red:,,An error or a duplicate was identified during data entry in theInternet or during postprocessing.

Functions on the output screen
The following functions are available for processing the selectedorders:
Display detail screen
You can display details on the entry in a tabstrip control or a printpreview, which can be accessed from the list. You can switch betweenthese two display options.
Change detail screen
You can change entries in change mode on the tab pages if orders havenot yet been created for them.
Create order
You can create an order and a business partner for an entry from thelist or from the detail screen.
If an error occurs or a duplicate is identified, processing issuspended with a message. If you create the order in dialog processing,you can continue operation or restart it once the error has beensolved.
Create order in collective processing
You can create orders in collective processing for all entries or aselection from the list. To do this, select the entry for which anorder is to be created first in collective processing and choose thefunction 'Collective processing'. You define the area for collectiveprocessing in a dialog box and choose a processing type. The processingtype Create and stop at errors cancels processing and theprocessing type Create and ignore errors marks the entry thatcontains the error with a red traffic light icon.
Delete entry from temporary table
You can delete an entry from the temporary table regardless of whetheror not it has already been processed. The program does not display aconfirmation prompt. However, the last record deleted during a programrun can be restored.
Delete several entries
You can delete several entries in collective processing. Entries fordeletion are selected in the same way as when creating orders incollective processing. You can also specify if the program is to deleteprocessed, unprocessed and/or errored records.

Process control
The entries are processed in accordance with the Customizing settings.For example, if you define that duplicates are to be taken into accountwhen a business partner is created, these are also taken into accountin postprocessing.
Internet user
An Internet user is created during postprocessing if this is defined inCustomizing (Media Sales and Distribution only) or by the customer whenthe order was created. The user is created with the business partnernumber and the user's password. If the system is unable to create theInternet user, a message is displayed informing you of this and theorder is still created.

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