Programme SAP RJKWBZ03 - Delete Initial and Confirmation Data for WBZ from DB Tables

Deletion of WBZ inbound data and confirmation data.
During inbound processing with report RJKWBZ01, thedata reported by the computer center is copied into the System (tableJKTWBZIN).
The confirmation records generated during this process (JKTWBZOUT) arecopied to a confirmation file by means of reportRJKWBZ02 and this file is sent to the computercenter.
Once the confirmation file has been created, the data in the DB tablesare of no further interest.
You can use this report to delete the inbound and confirmation databelonging to files with a date before the key date.
You can use selection parameters to control which data is deleted(inbound data or confirmation data).

Only data with the status 'Processed' can be deleted. This means datafor which a confirmation file was already created by reportRJKWBZ02.

The list this program creates provides an overview of the data actuallydeleted (columns 'in' and 'out').