Programme SAP RJKSPBDC - IS-M/SD: Transfer Distribution - Process Batch Input Session

The batch input session for transfer distribution cannot be scheduledfor processing in an automated shipping run, since report RSBDCSUB isnot suitable.
The report must be scheduled after report RJKSPEND in the shippingchain. The data on the selection screen for the report must be the sameas those used to create the batch input session with report RJKSPEND,since the system uses this data to generate the session name.
Please note that report RJKSPBDC does not complete processing as itshould, so that subsequent steps are not executed. This is a generalproblem when processing batch input sessions in jobs (see OSS note15999).
As described in the note, you can solve the problem as follows (thereport described in the note, ZZBDCJOB, corresponds to reportRJKSPBDC):
- Define jobs with the two steps (1) RJKSPEND and (2) RJKSPBDC
- Link these jobs in a job chain.