Programme SAP RJKSDISSUESTATUSCHANGE - Set Statuses of Media Issues

Set Status of Media Issues

You can use report RJKSDISSUESTATUSCHANGE to set media issue statuses.
You can use this function to maintain the following statuses (withvalidity dates) for selected media issues:

  • Cross-plant status (MARA-MSTAE, MARA-MSTDE)

  • Plant-specific status (MARC-MMSTA, MARC-MMSTD)

  • Cross-distribution chain status (MARA-MSTAV, MARA-MSTDV)

  • Distribution chain-specific status (MVKE-VMSTA, MVKE-VMSTD)

  • (Status changes are only made if the checkbox for the status isselected.)
    When making a large number of status changes, we recommend that youexecute the report in background processing.

    The report selects media issues according to the following criteria:

    • You can select media products by frequency, publication type and media
    • type.
      • You can select media issues (of the selected media products) by
      • publication date (from- and to-date), sales organization, distributionchannel and plant. You can use a checkbox to control whether or notselection is to be based on issue sequences (for the selected mediaproducts).
        • You can also select media issues by media issue status.

        • Select the Test run checkbox to execute the report as a test run(without database updates).
          You can specify the period for which media issues are selected by meansof a user parameter (from-date = system date minus parameter valueJKSD13_FROM; to-date = system date plus parameter value JKSD13_TO)

          The log is structured according to media products, media issues andmedia issue statuses (basic data (MARA), sales areas (MVKE) and plants(MARC)).
          The log is written to the application log and you can display it usingreport RJKSDISSUESTATUSCHANGE_PROT.