Programme SAP RJKSDDEMANDCOPY2 - Copy Planned Quantities with Different Media Products

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Copying Planned Quantities with Different Media Products

This report can be used to copy quantity plan records from one mediaproduct (template) to another (target). The business partners and theirroles are the same, so that the template and target contracts can belinked. This means that the template and target contracts must havethe same business partners in all roles. If this is the case, theplanned delivery quantities can be copied from the template contract tothe target contract. The following restrictions also apply to thecopying process:

  • The number of template contracts must be less than or equal to the
  • number of target contracts. If the number of template contracts isgreater than the number of target contracts, copying does not take placeand the system displays an error log
    • The number of quantity plan records for template contracts must be less
    • than or the same as the number of quantity plan records for targetcontracts (same as contracts).
      The program copies the delivery quantities according to the followinglogic:
      A template contract is copied to the target contract with the samesequence number; for example:
      1. contract 40001 -> 1. 45000;
      2. contract 50001 -> 2. 60001.
      If the business partner in the target contract differs from the one inthe template contract, the system searches for a target contract withthe same business partner so that it cancopy the delivery quantities to thiscontract instead.

      Selection by business partners ('Business Partner' tab) can affectperformance. Please specify more detailed selection criteria here ifpossible.