Programme SAP RJKRGOLIVE - IS-M/SD: Order Data Transfer (Liability Account and Dep.Data)

Certain pieces of legacy data must be transported into the system in aseparate transfer run during legacy data transfer forrenewal-controlled subscriptions and subscriptions with liabilityaccounts.
This data must be imported into the system immediately beforegoing live.
After data transfer, IS-M is the leading system (the date of going livemust be set) and contains the latest status of the legacy system.
Changes to order data can now only take place in IS-M. Transferringorder data from the legacy system for a second time can lead toinconsistent data.
If unexpected problems arise during data transfer, the data alreadyimported into the system can be deleted again using reportRJKRRESET.
The following structures are used for transfer, and they must displaythe appropriate record type as an identifier:
'07',,RJKIF_S_ITEMREMIND,,,,Data for monitoring control
,,- required for renewal-controlled orders with an
,, open monitoring cycle
,,- allowed for renewal-controlled orders with a
,, closed monitoring cycle (if this data is not made
,, available, the required information is generated
,, internally. However, in this case, there is no
,, reference to the accepted offer)
,,- not allowed otherwise
'08',,RJKIF_S_ITEMACC,,,,Data on liability account
,,- required for orders with a liability account
,,- not allowed for orders without a liability account
Amortization log not required
'09',,RJKIF_S_ITEMACCAMOPROT,,,,Data on amortization log
'10',,RJKIF_S_ITEMACCFIZUO,,,,Data on incoming payments
,,- allowed for orders with a monetary liability account
,,- not allowed otherwise
Records in the dataset to be imported that follow on from each otherand have the same reference number refer to one order item and areprocessed together.
You do not need to specify an order number: however, if you do specifyone, it must correspond to the order number determined from thereference document number.
Meaning of individual fields:


  • REMSTEPTYP: used to determine the step in the monitoring procedure. Allvalues that can only occur once in a procedure are allowed. These areall step types with an assigned activity (e.g. create offer, terminate,...)
    REMSTATUS: monitoring status. The following values are allowed:
    - 01: Cycle created
    - 02: Offer created
    - 05: Item suspended
    - 10: Item terminated
    - 11: Offer accepted (cycle completed)
    - 12: Item completed (cycle completed)