Programme SAP RJKREMIND01 - IS-M/SD: Monitoring Program for Renewal-Controlled Subscriptions

Monitoring of renewal-controlled subscriptions

When the expiration date of a renewal-controlled subscriptionapproaches, the System initiates a renewal cycle that reminds thesubscriber of the necessity to renew his/her subscription. If thesubscriber does not respond to the payment request, the cycle continuesthrough several steps as far as termination of the subscription.
Detailed list: Contains order items for which processing wasperformed successfully as well as error situations.
Test run: No updates are made to the database.
Please note: Your orders on hand can only be monitored correctlyif you examine all the errors listed and correct their causes. Thecorrected orders are then processed in a subsequent run of themonitoring program.

The report creates new reminder cycles if required and triggers thenecessary activities for each step in a cycle (offer, suspension,termination) as well as creating output for the subscriber if theappropriate settings have been made.
If no orders are specified on the selection screen, the programsearches for relevant orders throughout all the renewal-controlledsubscriptions recorded in the System. This can lead to longer runtimesirrespective of the number of order items actually processed.
If you run this report in dialog, you can double click on the followingfields to access details:

  • Order number: Display item overview for order

  • Item number: Display item overview for item

  • Error number: Display error text with option of accessing long text
  • Example
    You should schedule the report regularly (every night) so that thesteps in a reminder procedure can be as up-to-date as possible.