Programme SAP RJKHAA00 - IS-M/SD: Continuance Analysis for Subscription

This report analyzes subscription orders in a period and categorizesthem according to their lifetime (i.e. the runtime of an order,although the validity period of the order is relevant for restrictingthe time).
Lifetime analysis takes place on a key date. If you do not specify adate, the report takes the system date.
Selection criteria:

  • Valid from

  • Valid to

  • Sales document type

  • Publication

  • to editions
    • Sales organization/distribution channel/division

    • Sales office

    • Service type

    • Carrier route

    • Country supplied

    • Delivery end reason

    • Sales promotion

    • Advertising medium

    • Sales source

    • Commission recipient

    • Service company

    • Lifetime grid:

    • Monthly
      • Monitoring on key date

      • Since the edition, country, service type and carrier route can changeduring the lifetime of the item, the orders are selected as follows:
        Only orders whose original item contain the specified edition, countryor service type are relevant. Only orders that lie in the carrier routespecified on the key date are relevant. If the termination reason isspecified, the report only counts the orders that have that terminationreason, i.e. have been terminated.
        If you specify selection criteria for the start of delivery, the reportdetermines all orders whose original item is in the period specified.If you do not specify a start of delivery, the period is set as1.1.1900 - system date.
        If you specify selection criteria for the end of delivery, the reportdetermines all orders that end in the period specified. If you do notspecify an end of delivery, the period is set as 1.1.1900 - 31.12.9999.

        Output is summarized at sales source level.
        A cumulated lifetime grid is output for each sales source.
        Finally, a cumulated totals sheet is output for all sales sources.
        You can choose a variable grid framework, although the periods formonthly, quarterly and 5-weekly grids cannot overlap.

        You can only perform a lifetime analysis for one publication('Publication' is a required field).
        Selection takes place using standard items, i.e. redirections orsuspensions are ignored.
        A 'month divider' calculated from the quotients 365 / 12 is used todetermine the lifetime in months and the assignment to the appropriategrid field.

        A subscription begins on 1.1.1996 with a trial item valid for 3 months,which was then converted to a standard item. The subscription has alifetime of 18 months on the key date 10.6.97.