Programme SAP RJKFTRSF - IS-M/SD: Transfer Orders on Hand from Legacy System to SAP System

This program is used to transfer sales documents (subscriptions,external delivery orders, retail orders and internal orders) from anexternal system into the SAP System. Transfer does not take place usingbatch input. Function modules are used to check the data and transferit to the SAP System. This technique is better for system performancethan batch input processing. The System performs a Commit to thedatabase after every n documents - you can specify the number n on theselection screen.
The sales documents that are transferred can be divided into threeblocks:
Subscriptions/external delivery orders
Retail orders
Internal orders
The data structure is different for each block, so that a separate datatransfer file must be created for each block. SeeCreating and transferring text files.
The interfaces are usually extended with each new release. Changes aredocumented at the end of this documentation.
What is not transferred?
In data transfer of subscriptions and external delivery orders, onlystandard, free and trial items are transferred. Report RJKBJK01 isdefined for transferring item changes (such as redirection orsuspension).
Errored records
Errored sales documents are not updated but are placed in a batch inputsession (error session). The corresponding error message is listed foreach record in the log.
Test run
The program can be started in test mode. If you do this, it does notupdate the database or create an error session but simply produces anerror log. To identify errors such as incomplete customizing settingsin advance, you can enter a number of documents for processing in testmode. This enables you to test the transfer for a few orders firstbefore having to create a file specifically for this purpose.
Restart procedure
The program can be restarted. This means that if data transfer iscancelled (for example, due to tablespace overflow or system shutdown),it can be restarted. When this happens, the program skips the recordsthat have already been updated and continues at the appropriate point.In this case, you must select the 'Restart' switch when executing theprogram.

When you start the program, you must enter the name of the file inwhich the data to be transferred is stored. The file name is restrictedto 22 characters due to the restart procedure. The path and the name ofthe input file must be maintained using transactions SF01 to SF06.
The records in the input file are so-called header records and itemrecords. A record is interpreted by means of the field 'SATZART'. Thefollowing record types are possible:
'01',,Header record,,,,,,(required)
'02',,Item record,,,,,,(required)
'03',,Payment card record,,,,,,(optional)
'04',,WBZ record for item,,,,,,(optional)
'05',,Alternative delivery address record,,,,,,(optional)
'06',,Schedule line record,,,,,,(not in subs./TP)
'11',,Sub-item record,,,,,,(optional)
'12',,Template data for add.pyt,,,,,,(optional)
It is possible to transfer several schedule lines for each item inretail orders and internal orders. The schedule lines must then beappended after the item record with record type '06'.
Subscriptions and external delivery orders only have one schedule lineper item, so record type '06' is not used for them. The item records(in structure RJKIF_S_ITEM) already contain the schedule line data.
This means that n item records can be created for each header record.There can be a maximum of one WBZ record, one payment card record andone alternative delivery address record for each item record. Theserecord types (03-05) are optional.
The records must be in the following sequence:
Header record
Item record 1
Payment card record 1
WBZ record 1
Alternative delivery address record 1
Sch.line record 11 --- SLine record 12 --- ... --- SLine record 1n
(schedule line records only in retail or for internal orders)
Item record 2
Payment card record 2
WBZ record 2
Alternative delivery address record 2
Sch.line record 21 --- SLine record 22 --- ... --- SLine record 2n
The payment card records are optional and are only required if thepayment method is 'Payment card'. When transferring data on internalorders, there need not be payment card records in the file sinceinternal orders are free of charge. WBZ records are also optional andonly required with WBZ orders. The alternative delivery address is alsooptional.
A new sales document is generated for each new header record. For eachnew item record, the System generates a new item with all the precedingrecords.
Live date
Before importing data from the legacy system, you must specify thatsystem is order administration is to take place in 'initial datatransfer mode' in the general customizing parameters for sales. Youmust also record a date from which the subscriptions in the system areassigned delivery addresses and delivery viability sets. This does notnecessarily have to be the live date. This means that the subscriptionsdo not have to be imported again if the live date is postponed.
The initial date of validity of the delivery viability set should be afew days before the live date, since this is the date from which youcan perform circulation planning for the orders on hand that have beentransferred. This means you can perform planning for a period beforegoing live and test shipping again.
Unloading points
If using direct delivery, the business partner unloading points must becreated in the master data before initial data transfer.
Bank data
If the bank details are also to be transferred, the bank master recordsmust be maintained first.
Dates in date fields in the interface must be entered in the formatYYYYMMDD.
Amount fields can only contain digits. The plus or minus sign anddecimal point are set by the System.

Presorting the orders on hand according to publication, edition, mixmix type, delivery type, invoice schedule and billing frequency reducesthe number of times the database is accessed and thus improves systemperformance in data transfer.

Buffering number range objects
The number range object KONV must be buffered during live data transferor mass testing for data transfer. If you transfer orders with internalnumber assignment, you must also buffer the number range objectISP_BELEG. The number range object must be repaired in order to carryout buffering. Please do not forget to remove the buffer after datatransfer, since otherwise gaps will appear in the number range.
Database indices
To increase the runtime, all database indices on the order tables onthe database should be removed. However, when transferring WBZ orders,the index on field REFBELEG to table JKAP is required.

The interface description can be found in the program documentation onthe following includes:
RJKDFABO for subscriptions and external deliveryorders
RJKDFEVS for retail orders
RJKDFINT for internal orders