Programme SAP RJKEVL20 - IS-M/SD: Statistics: Weekly Retail Sales for Customers

This program creates a list of average weekly sales quantities perretail customer. A new page is begun for each sold-to party. Thedelivery and return quantities listed are sorted by weekday per bill-toor ship-to party, publication and edition, depending on the selectioncriteria specified.
The following selection or control options are available on theselection screen:

  • Publication period or shipping period

  • You can select the retail deliveries and their quantities forprocessing by the publication period or shipping period.
    • Return period

    • The return quantities are determined from the returns recorded for thedeliveries. You can further limit the period for which returns are tobe processed by specifying the return period.
      • Plant

      • The plant that sends the items delivered.
        • Publication

        • The program processes the publications specified here. If you leave thefield blank, the program processes all the publications in the system.
          • Edition

          • The program processes the editions specified here. If you leave thefield blank, it processes all the editions in the system.
            • Sales organization / distribution channel / division; sales office

            • These fields allow you to restrict processing to a sales area or asales office. If you leave the fields blank, the program processes allretail orders regardless of their organizational data.
              • Retail sales document type

              • The specified retail sales document types are processed. If you leavethis field blank, all retail sales document types are processed.
                • Selection by sold-to party

                • Customer group
                  Customer number
                  Here, you can restrict selection to certain customer groups or sold-toparty customer numbers.
                  • Selection by ship-to or bill-to party

                  • Customer group
                    Customer number
                    Here too, you can restrict selection to certain customer groups orcustomer numbers of ship-to parties or bill-to parties.
                    • Single line drilldown

                    • You must select one of the two options (ship-to party/bill-to party).This controls whether the evaluation allows drilldown of single linesfor each ship-to party or bill-to party. The selection criteriaspecified for the customer group and customer number (in the block"Bill-to / ship-to party") are interpreted accordingly.
                      • Basic average quantity

                      • Here, you can define the basis for calculating weekday averages. Youhave the following alternatives:
                        All deliveries
                        The program calculates an average of the selected deliveries for eachpublication date. Caution: if the shipping date is used to select extracopies orders or correction deliveries that refer to an "older"publication date, this "old" publication date is also taken intoaccount in average calculation as the divider. (This is the logic usedfor this evaluation up to Release 4.61.)
                        Standard deliveries
                        The program calculates an average of the selected standard deliveriesper publication date.
                        Publication dates in selected period
                        The program calculates and displays averages based on the publicationdates that are in the selected publication or shipping period.

                        The program creates a list, taking a new page for each sold-to partywith delivery and return quantities.
                        The page header of the list displays data such as the address of thesold-to party, the selected period and - if selected - the sales area.
                        The list contains the following columns:

                        • Characteristics

                        • Ship-to party (address data and sort field)
                          • Key figures for the weekdays Monday through Sunday (7 columns) are
                          • displayed for each characteristic combination in 4 lines, and theassignment to the weekdays is made by the publication date of theissues delivered:
                            Delivery quantity
                            Proportional return quantity
                            Note: the return quantity represents the proportion of the deliveryquantity returned. The return date is therefore not the same as theshipping date for the items delivered but is usually a later date inthe selected return quantity.
                            Sold quantity
                            Delivery quantity minus returns
                            Return rate in percent
                            The quantities displayed may be averages if more than one week wasselected.
                            The data is sorted by sold-to party, publication, edition, ship-to orbill-to party.
                            Subtotals are calculated at the following levels:
                            • Edition

                            • Sold-to party
                            • Example
                              The following two examples illustrate the ways in which you can use theselection options:

                              • Monthly evaluation

                              • You want to evaluate all deliveries that have taken place in a monthfor your retailers. Averages are to be calculated based on thepublication dates for the standard deliveries, i.e. you want to takeaccount of the publication dates of the issues delivered "as standard"this month.
                                To do this, select a shipping period from the first to the last of themonth and select "standard deliveries" as the basis for the average.
                                • Weekly evaluation

                                • You want to evaluate the deliveries (and returns) for the publicationdates in a calendar week for your retailers. The average basis is to be1, i.e. the publication date itself.
                                  To do this, select the week to be evaluated in a publication periodfrom Monday through Sunday. Select "Pub.dates in selPer." (Publicationdates in selected period) as the basis for the average.