Programme SAP RJKCON02 - IS-M/SD: Print Program for Retail Order Confirmation

This report is used to print an order confirmation for a retailer inoutput control using a SAPscript form.

The report is accessed by an external call. The start routine is theform routine ENTRY, which must be specified in Customizing for outputcontrol. The program and the routine must be entered for thecorresponding condition type. The form for printout can also beassigned here.
Printing in collective processing is triggered by report RJNAST00.

The output layout can be changed using the appropriate form. This canbe done using the fields from the order header (JKAK) and items (JKAP)as well as from the schedule lines (JKEP).
The addresses are listed on the basis of extended address management,which allows you to assign a print format to each form and businesspartner role. The default format is a six-line list.
The sold-to party (role AG) and the alternative ship-to party (role WE)are displayed using print formats.
Any totals fields or additional fields required are contained in theDictionary structure RJKSCRIPT.