Programme SAP RJKBST50 - IS-M/SD: Statistics of Live Subscriptions

This report generates statistics of live subscriptions and allows youto create lists by edition, payment method and/or postal code areas.The principal criterion for summation is always the key date andpublication.
The statistics only include subscriptions (from a technicalperspective, orders belonging to sales document type grouping 1).
You can define the contents, structure and summarization levels of thelists by specifying selection criteria.
Data selection:

  • Key date for evaluation

  • The subscriptions valid on this date are included.
    • Subscription sales document type

    • The report only processes the specified subscription sales documenttypes; if you do not make any entries in this field, all existingsubscription sales document types are included for processing.
      • Sales organization/distribution channel/product division

      • The report only processes the data you specify; if you do not make anyentries here, all subscriptions are included regardless of thesecriteria.
        • Normal delivery country

        • Here, you can restrict evaluation to the country normally supplied (forexample, if redirections are made to a foreign country, the country inthis field is that from the "standard order item"); if you leave thisfield blank, the evaluation includes all subscriptions regardless ofthe country.
          • Publication

          • The report only processes the specified publications; if you do notmake any entries here, all existing publications are included forprocessing.
            • Edition

            • The report only processes the specified editions; if you do not makeany entries in this field, all existing editions are included forprocessing.
              • Include all reversed orders/include if delivered/ignore

              • These parameters allow you to control how reversed orders (which mayhave been delivered up to reversal) are to be treated.
                • Include backdated orders

                • If you select this parameter, the report includes backdatedsubscription orders from the initial validity date (more exactly, evenbefore the normal start of delivery).
                  • Include orders where delivery not viable

                  • If you select this parameter, the statistics include subscriptionorders for which delivery was not viable at the analysis time.
                    • Order number (for test)

                    • For testing purposes, you can restrict data selection to individualorders. If you select individual orders or only a few, you can alsoexecute the statistics in dialog processing.
                      Output control:
                      • Include weighted partial subscriptions

                      • This parameter allows you to control whether partial subscriptions(e.g. Saturday subscribers) are included according to the partialsubscription weighting from the mix offers for the edition or whetherthe purchase quantities for partial subscriptions are to be included infull.
                        1. Analysis of live subscriptions by edition
                        • Summarization levels

                        • Publication
                          Summations take place at publication level for each edition.
                          Subscription sales document type
                          Summation is performed at sales document type level within apublication for each edition; if you selected both summarizationlevels, the report creates a totals sheet for each publication/salesdocument type as well as a totals sheet for each publication.
                          • Payment method statistics

                          • Creates a list for each summarization level (without page breaks) bycountry and payment method
                            2. Analysis of live subscriptions by postal code area
                            • Summarization levels

                            • Publication
                              Summation takes place at publication level for each postal code area;
                              Summation takes place at edition level within a publication for eachpostal code area;
                              If you select both summarization levels, the report creates a totalssheet for each publication/edition as well as a totals sheet for eachpublication.
                              • Include item types

                              • Standard items

                              • Copies from standard items are included;
                                • Free items with automatic transformation to chargeable

                                • Copies from free items with automatic transformation to chargeable areincluded;
                                  • Free items without automatic transformation to chargeable

                                  • Copies from free items without automatic transformation to chargeableare included;
                                    • Trial items with automatic transformation to chargeable

                                    • Copies from trial items with automatic transformation to chargeable areincluded;
                                      • Trial items without automatic transformation to chargeable

                                      • Copies from trial items without automatic transformation to chargeableare included;
                                        • Postal code evaluation variant

                                        • The report totals the subscriptions according to the postal code areasdefined for the specified evaluation variant.
                                          • List delivery types separately

                                          • The subscriptions for the delivery types specified here are totaled inthe column 'Sep.DTypes'. This means that postal delivery types or homedelivery types, for example, can be listed in separate columns toindicate the proportion they occupy of the total.

                                            The weighting for partial subscriptions must be maintained in the mixoffers for the editions, since totaling is performed on the basis ofthe weighting specified. Mix offers can be maintained using the editingfunction for editions.
                                            The area evaluation variants, postal code areas and postal codes mustbe maintained for the postal code area statistics. This information canbe maintained under 'Reporting' with the customizing settings forsales.

                                            1. Analysis of live subscriptions by edition
                                            The report lists the editions for a key date by publications and/orsubscription sales document types. If there is only one subscriptionsales document type for a publication, the report does not create atotals page for the publication. The system displays a message'Corresponds to publication statistics...'.
                                            The list contains the following characteristics (C) and key figures(K):

                                            • Publicn. (C) Publication

                                            • Edit. (C) Edition

                                            • SType (C) Service type

                                            • Standard (K) Number of copies in standard items

                                            • Free (K) Number of free copies

                                            • Trial (K) Number of trial copies

                                            • Gross subs. (K) Total standard, trial and free subscriptions

                                            • ACopyRedir. (K) Additional copy redirections

                                            • Redirection (K) Redirections

                                            • Suspen. (K) Number of copies in suspensions (also partial)

                                            • Transfer (K) Transfer copies

                                            • Gift (K) Gift copies

                                            • Net subs. (K) Result of 'Gross subs.' plus 'ACopyRedir.'

                                            • minus 'Suspen.'; 'Redirection', 'Transfer'
                                              and 'Gift' are treated as neutral.
                                              1.1. List supplement: totals list by payment method
                                              If you selected the field for the statistics of payment methods, thereport creates a list by payment methods for each summarization levelselected (publication/sales document type). Since the payment methodshave different meanings for different countries, the list is alsostructured according to country indicators. If the report is unable todetermine any countries, the 'Country' field remains blank. (Determinedfrom T001, TVKO).
                                              The list contains the following characteristics (C) and key figures(K):
                                              • Ctry/PMeth (C) Country indicator and payment method for payer

                                              • Key figures (K) Same as edition list

                                              • 2. Analysis of live subscriptions by postal code area
                                                The full and partial subscriptions are divided for each key date andsummarization level selected (publication/edition) and listed as atotal for the selected postal code evaluation variant. You can specifyselection criteria to determine the item types to be included in thesestatistics (standard items, trial items, free items).
                                                The live subscriptions for the 'separate delivery types' specified onthe selection screen are listed in a separate column, 'Sep.DTypes'. Ifyou do not specify delivery types on the selection screen, this columnremains blank.
                                                These statistics contain the following characteristics (C) and keyfigures (K):
                                                • PCode area (C) Postal code areas in a postal code area variant

                                                • Full subscriptions

                                                • Total (K) Total full subscriptions sel.criteria
                                                  Sep.DTypes (K) Live full subscriptions for sep. delivery types
                                                  • Partial subscriptions

                                                  • Total (K) Total partial subscriptions sel.criteria
                                                    Sep.DTypes (K) Live partial subscriptions for sep.deliv.types
                                                    • Total subscriptions

                                                    • Total (K) Total full and partial subscriptions
                                                      Sep.DTypes (K) Live subscriptions for separate delivery types
                                                      Output form for quantities
                                                      Quantities are displayed as whole numbers rounded mathematically(including partial subscriptions proportionally).
                                                      Weighting of subscriptions
                                                      If no weighting is found, a subscription is always valuated as a fullsubscription. However, a corresponding message is displayed in an errorlist.