Programme SAP RJKAMORTIZE - IS-M/SD: Amortization of Liability Accounts After Shipping


Once shipping has been performed for an issue, the relevant liabilityaccounts for the renewal subscription must be adjusted for the shippingdate by the amortization program. Amortization increases theamortization amount in the liability accounts by one amortizationinstallment. This amortization installment is recorded in theamortization plan for the order item and is determined using thecondition technique. The amortization program should be scheduled aftershipping.
Program logic
The orders affected are determined for each delivery and theirliability accounts are updated. The delivery is then marked asamortized.
During amortization, the liability accounts for the orders and thedeliveries are blocked.

Amortization can be cancelled for a shipping date. This can only bedone if there are no amortized deliveries after this shipping date. Theamortization installment in the relevant liability accounts iscancelled for each amortized delivery. The delivery is then marked asnot amortized.
During deamortization, the liability accounts for orders and deliveriesare also blocked.

Amortization and deamortization can only take place once shipping iscompleted for the issue. The order finalization deadline must be setcompletely for the publication for this shipping date.

215076IS-M/SD: Amortization of trips with renewal subscription