Programme SAP RJJGAKOC - IS-M/AM: Sales Agent Contract Consistency Check: Elements

The system searches the elements of all sales agent contracts thatmatch the sales agent contract or sales agent selection for additionalassignments (according to the radio button) for the selected

  • Advertisers,

  • Agencies or

  • Contracts

  • This search takes place within the purchasing organization,sales areaor validity period of the elements specified. A check box field allowsyou to display all the search results.

    The sales agent contracts selected are displayed with one of thefollowing check results:

    • Redundancies

    • The advertisers, agencies or contracts named in the following sectionare assigned to additional sales agents via other sales agentcontracts. These assignments are displayed for each advertiser, agencyor contract.
      • Internal redundancies>

      • The advertisers, agencies or contracts in the following section haveeither been assigned to additional sales agents via other salesagent contracts, or have been assigned to the same sales agent morethan once in the same or a different sales agent contract. Theseassignments are displayed for each advertiser, agency or contract
        • OK

        • The sales agent contract only contains unique assignments. (Onlydisplayed if the 'Display consistent sales agent contracts' field isselected)
          You can branch to the detailed views by double clicking on thefollowing objects:
          • Sales agent contract

          • Sales agent

          • Advertiser

          • Contract

            • The selection will not take account of the entry '+'.

            • If you want to make several checks, you should allow the report to run
            • as a batch job.