Programme SAP RJJCPIKH - IS-M/AM: Copy Content Component Hierarchy (Sub-Trees)

The program RJJCPIKH copies sub-trees from content component hierarchiesand their dependent objects if these exist. It is only possible to copynodes from the first level of a content component hierarchy, i.e nodeswhich are assigned immediately below the root node.
The nodes to be copied can be assigned to a new hierarchyvariant/version using the same content component names. However, if anew content component is to be created, the short/long text should alsobe entered.
You can only copy dependent objects when creating a new contentcomponent.
Updating booking units involves
Reading all booking units which correspond to the hierarchy typeselected and the new hierarchy variant.
Inserting the new content componenets in the booking units found.
Date-specific booking units are updated at the same time.
The 'test run' parameter can be used to simulate processing.

If the content component node was created successfully, a note is issuedaccordingly. If dependent objects existed, the names of these objectsand their assignment in the database table (technical name) is displayedin a list.
By placing the cursor on an object created and clicking once on theleft hand mouse button you can branch to the relevant object.