Programme SAP RJJADAEN - IS-M/AM: Display Address Changes

Display address changes.
ABAP displays changes to addresses for a specified period.
(Media customer and media sales agent roles)
You can distinguish whether only changes should be displayed
(field JGRSADR-AENDATE) or whether new creations should also be
displayed (field JGRSADR-AENDATE).
Selection can be restricted to a sales area or customer profile.(customer profile is specific to a sales area).
If checks are to be made to see whether a BP is involved in an order,
you should tick the check box order check? in the order block.
If this is the case and no order is found, the system does not display
the address in the list.
Checks can be restricted further to the role of the BP in the order,
booking units, and a date from which a search should be performed for
If you select the contract checkbox, the system checks whether the
BP has at least one contract
If the order check and contract check are active, the system displaysthe address change if objects were found for at least one of thesechecks.