Programme SAP RJIVBRAN - IS-M/SD: Audit Report for IVW Distribution Analysis


This program is used to create the audit report for the IVWdistribution analysis.

Which data is evaluated and output?
The program calculates quantities summarized by the districtmunicipality key levels (state/administrativedistrict/district/municipality) in the selected publication period(usually a measuring week) for the core distribution area (which can bedefined on the selection screen).
All domestic municipalities outwith the core distribution area forwhich circulation of over 50 units is calculated are listed separately.
The figures for the remaining domestic municipalities are displayed asa cumulated quantity for the remainder of the country.
Quantities circulated abroad are displayed as a separate cumulatedquantity.
The report lists quantities for each weekday, a total and an average(relating to the number of publication days). The quantities compriseboth delivered and returned copies.
Delivery quantities and returns can be listed separately. You can alsohave the report separate the quantities for each municipality accordingto audit report categories. (Audit report categories are not listedseparately for cumulated quantities.)
You can use report RJSKGSCH to enter or update the districtmunicipality key in the orders on hand.
Special feature: District municipality keys for orders with the salesdocument type 'District reserves' are determined directly when theprogram is executed. The district municipality key for district-relatedorders is determined using the address of the unloading point in theselection period.
Quantities of synchronized media products from Media Product Sales aretaken into account in the distribution analysis. The districtmunicipality key must be activated in Customizing for the audit reporttype IVW so that these quantities can be taken into account. (If thedistrict municipality key was not activated in the week being measured,you must regenerate the circulation book for that week once it has beenactivated.

Selection Options
You must specify the country key for Germany.
You must also specify the period of the measuring week. This periodmust be in the past and should not exceed 1 week.
Data selection can be restricted according to publications, editionsand circulation audit numbers and categories.
You can select by circulation audit categories to restrict the orderson hand to CA categories for circulation sold.
You must define the core distribution area on the selection screen.
You must also choose a summarization level for output. The figures canbe summarized at publication, edition or CA number level.
In addition to the absolute quantities, you can also have the reportlist delivery quantities and returned copies separately and displaycirculation audit categories separately at municipality level.
As well as creating a standard error log, you can also list orders withan initial district municipality key separately.

Special features of this evaluation
All editions that have the circulation audit type IVW or a circulationaudit number are included in these statistics.
The combination types 'Separate combination' and 'Title insertion' arenot included in these statistics.
Transfer items, gift items, redirections and additional copyredirections are not included in the statistics. (Since transfer itemsare not included, distribution orders are also not included.)
Alternating delivery addresses are taken into account.

Before executing the distribution analysis, please note the followingpoints:
You must run report RJ9KLBEZ once in the current client so that thedistrict municipality key can be assigned correctly to orders belongingto the sales document type 'District reserves'.
Report RJ9KLBEZ initializes district reserve orders so that thedistrict municipality key can be assigned correctly when reportRJIVBRAN is executed.
In all other sales document types, the district municipality key isread from the order when report RJIVBRAN is run. To ensure that thedistrict municipality key in the orders on hand is correct, you mustexecute report RJSKGSCH once in the current client.
Report RJSKGSCH enters the district municipality key in the orders onhand.
If you run these two reports once in the current client, this ensuresthat the data continues to be consistent during order processing.


Output structure

List structure:
The quantities (daily quantities, totals and averages) are listedaccording to the selected summarization level, either publication,edition or circulation audit number.
The report first lists the figures for the core distribution area andthen those for the non-core distribution area for each summarizationlevel.
In the non-core distribution area, municipalities with a circulation ofover 50 units are listed first, followed by the cumulated quantitiesfor the remainder of the country and abroad.
At the end of the list, an error log is displayed:
This log first indicates summarization levels including orders with aninitial district municipality key. Orders with an initial districtmunicipality key are displayed as a cumulated quantity at the start ofthe core distribution area for each summarization level. If there areorders with an initial key (whose ship-to parties are not residentabroad), the key should be updated in the orders on hand (see reportRJSKGSCH) and this report should be rerun.
The report then lists the individual orders with an initial districtmunicipality key separately if this option was chosen on the selectionscreen.
Orders may have an initial district municipality key due to thefollowing reasons:

  • District-related orders for which no district municipality key could be
  • determined
    • Orders for which the address has not been maintained in full (if the
    • address does not have a city number, it cannot be assigned to adistrict municipality key)
      The final part of the error log lists orders where inconsistencies wereidentified during processing together with error notes. These ordersare not included in the statistics.

      Fields displayed

      List for audit return type:
      The publication, edition or CA number is displayed in the page headerdepending on which of these summarization levels was chosen, togetherwith the selected publication period.
      The following information is displayed for each level:

      • District municipality key as a numeric value (St-A-Di-Mun)

      • St = state, A = admin.district, Di = district, Mun = municipality
        • District mun.key text (key (core distribution area)

        • or key (non-core distribution area))
          • CA categories if selected

          • Cumulated quantity for Monday

          • Cumulated quantity for Tuesday

          • Cumulated quantity for Wednesday

          • Cumulated quantity for Thursday

          • Cumulated quantity for Friday

          • Cumulated quantity for Saturday

          • Cumulated quantity for Sunday

          • Total quantity for all weekdays

          • Average quantity per publication day

          • Quantity type if delivery quantities/returned copies selected

          • The quantities are sorted by net quantities, delivery quantities andreturned copies.

            Error log:
            Objects with initial district municipality key:
            The following is displayed depending on the summarization level:

            • Publication

            • Edition

            • CA number

            • The total quantity is displayed for each summarization level.
              Orders with initial district municipality key (if selected)
              Orders (including error notes) in which inconsistencies wereidentified.
              • Order number

              • Item number

              • Schedule line number

              • Date for which inconsistency was identified

              • Error text

              • Depending on the type of error, there are not always entries in all thefields in a line.
                The core distribution area is Baden-Württemberg, the summarizationlevel edition.
                (The totals field relevant for quantity analysis in the non-coredistribution area is not listed below for reasons of space.)
                St-A-Di-Mun District mun.key (core distrib.area) MonQty TueQty ...
                ------------------------------------------------------------------ ...
                Initial district municipality key 2 0 ...
                08 Baden-Württemberg 230000 200000 ...
                08 1 Admin.district Stuttgart 40000 35000 ...
                08 1 11 000 District 25000 23000 ...
                St-A-Di-Mun District mun.key (non-core dist.area) MonQty TueQty ...
                ------------------------------------------------------------------ ...
                07 Rheinland-Pfalz 600 100 ...
                07 1 Admin.district Koblenz 80 10 ...
                07 1 11 Bad Kreuznach 50 8 ...
                07 1 11 006 Bad Kreuznach, City 45 7 ...
                90 9 00 000 **** R e s t of D E ****** 8000 5000 ...
                99 9 00 000 ******* A b r o a d ********** 500 400 ...
                This evaluation has the following meaning for the Monday circulation(MonQty) of this edition:
                Core distribution area:
                • 2 copies from orders with an initial district municipality key could be
                • assigned neither to the core distribution area nor to the rest ofGermany (listed for the core distribution area).
                  • A circulation of 230000 was calculated in the core distribution area.

                  • Non-distribution area:
                    • District municipality key 07111006 was listed separately in the
                    • non-core distribution area because the circulation in the measuringweek is over 50 units (the field 'Total' for the total circulation isnot displayed explicitly in the above example).
                      • 8000 units were calculated in Germany for municipalities outwith the
                      • core distribution area that had a circulation of over 50 in themeasuring week.
                        • A circulation of 500 was calculated for the Monday edition abroad.