Programme SAP RJITST20 - IS-M/SD: Circulation Book Data for Period

List of selected circulation book quantities by shipping date and
publication date. For example, you can use the program to determinecirculation quantities from previous quarters for which shipping tookplace in a more recent quarter (e.g. extra copies orders).
You can create a list sorted by edition (summarized by editions andpublications) or sorted by audit report ID (summarized by the auditreport IDs of the editions).
The list is sorted by publication, edition (or audit report ID), auditreport category, publication date and shipping date.

Selection Options

  • Shipping date and publication date

  • These two entries are linked with a logical AND (see the example below)
    • Publication

    • Edition

    • Edition audit report ID

    • You must specify at least one of these.
      • Basic audit report category

      • This allows you to restrict selection to subscriptions, for example, orexclude returns.
        • List sorted by edition

        • (see below: List output)
          • List sorted by report ID

          • (see below: List output)


            The list contains the following information:

            • Information on the type of list in the page header

            • The list sorted by edition contains the following columns:
              • Publication

              • Edition

              • Basic audit report category

              • Publication date

              • Shipping or return date

              • Circulation quantity

              • Combination quantity included in circulation quantity

              • Insert quantity included in circulation quantity

              • Subtotals are displayed on the following levels:
                • Logistical delivery type

                • Audit report category

                • Edition

                • Publication

                • The columns for the publication and edition are replaced by the reportID of the edition in the list sorted by report ID.

                  You want to print out a list for the current year (referred to below asYYYY) of the number of issues of publication 'P' shipped in the secondquarter that were published before the second quarter. To do this, youspecify the following selection criteria:
                  Shipping period ,, 04/01/YYYY ,, to ,, 06/30/YYYY
                  Publication period ,, 01/01/1900 ,, to ,, 04/30/YYYY
                  Publication ,, P
                  Basic audit report category ,, (exclude return categories here)
                  Select 'Sort list by edition' and/or 'Sort list by audit report ID'.