Programme SAP RJIREMXX - Reorganize Daily Audit Statistics from Return Data

This program corrects incorrect time assignments of returned copies inthe daily circulation audit statistics. (Incorrect assignments arepossible with returned copies recorded up to and including IS-M/SDRelease 2.21/5.)
Field VERSANDDAT in the audit statistics database JITSTAT contains thereturn date (or to be more precise, the audit date of the returnedcopies), enabling a correct time assignment for statistics and auditreturns.
You only need to specify the circulation audit categories forsingle-copy and certificated returns on the selection screen beforerunning the program.

While running the program, you should not do any of the following:

  • Record returned copies

  • Perform circulation audit update

  • Perform evaluations of the auditing statistics table
  • Output
    The program displays a checklist.