Programme SAP RJIIVWCM - IS-M/SD: Migration of Daily Audit Report Stats to Circ.Book

Migration of Daily IVW Statistics to Circulation Book

This program migrates the circulation figures from the daily IVWstatistics (table JITSTAT) to the circulation book (table JITCIRCBOOK).It also transfers the audit reports from the daily IVW statistics asaudit operations to the new table "Audit Reports to the CompanyResponsible" (JITSTATMT).

It is not possible to restrict the data processed; the program alwaysmigrates the entire dataset of daily IVW statistics. This means you canrestart the program as often as you wish.
If performing a repeat run, please note that migrated data fromprevious runs are deleted automatically before migration is repeated.In order to do this, the program determines editions and periods forwhich circulation figures are to be migrated from the daily IVWstatistics. This data area is deleted from the circulation book beforemigration itself takes place.

It is not possible to restrict the data for processing.
Select the "Test run" indicator to run the program as a test, so thatthe data for migration is not updated on the database.

The program prints an application log listing the data volume migrated.You can also display this log later using transaction SLG1 for the"general application log".