Programme SAP RJIIVW00 - IS-M/SD: Update Daily IVW Statistics

This program updates the daily IVW statistics.

What are daily IVW statistics?
The daily IVW statistics are a summarized statistics database used forvarious statistical evaluations and as the data basis for IVW auditreports.

Which data is updated?
This program generates entries in the daily IVW statistics (technicaltable JITSTAT). This means that the program updates daily circulationstatistics for the following deliveries:

  • Those delivering an edition that is to be audited (circulation audit
  • type in edition is IVW)
    • Those with a shipping date in the past

    • Those not yet included in the daily circulation audit statistics

    • Deliveries for ad pre-print distribution and delta coverage are notincluded, but information on inserted titles is updated in the dailystatistics.
      An indicator (JVTLFNG-XIVWFORTS) is selected in all deliveries thathave been included in the daily circulation audit statistics. Theindicator is also selected in deliveries whose editions are notassigned to an audit report type (so that these deliveries do not needto be read again technically using an index).

      Selection options
      You can specify a shipping period for which the daily circulation auditstatistics data is to be updated. This period must be in the past. Youcan either specify the period in the form of a from-to interval or anumber of lead days. (In the latter case, the program deducts thisnumber of days from the current date; the period from '0' up to thedate calculated is updated.)
      You can also select the deliveries to be updated by plant (supplyingprinting works), publication and edition. This means it is possible toupdate several different editions in parallel. This refers to thepublications and editions purchased (i.e. those specified in the salesorder) and not to the products delivered. (This is because it is thuspossible to create a unique relationship with the planning trigger andthe planning lock objects.)

      Further control options
      You can determine how processing is to take place by means of a numberof parameters:

      • You can specify a cancellation time and (optionally) a cancellation
      • date to have the update terminate before completion once a certain timeis reached. All delivery data processed up to this point is updatedsuccessfully and the deliveries not updated are processed when theprogram is repeated with the appropriate selection criteria.
        Important: When variants are scheduled daily, you need only enter acancellation time.
        • You can select a parameter to determine whether an extensive log is
        • displayed or simply a summarized log.
          • Another parameter allows you to select a test run (without database
          • updates).


            Which data must be maintained?
            There must be deliveries for which circulation auditing applies in theselected period.

            Which forms of processing should not be performed in parallel toupdating daily circulation audit statistics?
            No functions that change deliveries should be performed in parallel tothe update. These are the following:

            • Return processing

            • Netchange of quantity planning

            • Reorganization of quantity planning

            • Delivery processing

            • Shipping preparation for insertion/distribution/delta coverage
            • Output

              Output structure
              The report generates daily circulation audit statistics records of newand modified deliveries and title insertions. These are displayed inlines in the extensive version of the log.

              List of daily circulation audit statistics records:

              • Shipping date

              • Issue

              • Circulation audit quantity; quantity delivered

              • Inserted quantity; proportional quantity of issues inserted if
              • insertion applies
                • Combined quantity; proportional quantity of issues combined if this
                • applies
                  • Circulation audit category

                  • Plant

                  • Carrying publication = always the publication from the order item, i.e.
                  • the publication purchased in the order
                    • Carrying edition = always the edition from the order item, i.e. the
                    • edition purchased in the order
                      • Order delivery type; delivery type from order

                      • Sales organization

                      • Distribution channel

                      • Publication division

                      • Country for which circulation auditing applies

                      • Customer group

                      • Sales document type

                      • Logistical delivery type; the logistical delivery type in the daily
                      • statistics is that from the delivery they are based on
                        • Publication delivered; this is usually the publication from the order
                        • item. Exceptions: substitute, combination or inserted publications.
                          • Edition delivered; this is usually the edition from the order item.
                          • Exceptions: substitute, combination or inserted editions.
                            • Individual period date

                            • The number of deliveries updated and data records generated is alsodisplayed in the daily circulation audit statistics. This data iscontained in both the extensive and summarized logs.