Programme SAP RJIAUFMA - IS-M/SD: Convert Edition Audit Report Type * Program obsolete

Report for converting edition circulation audit type from Release 2.xxto 3.xx of IS-M/SD.
Cause: The circulation audit type is included as a new attribute of theedition as of Release 3.xx.
Conversion logic:
Editions are converted in a separate report, RJDAUFMA. The circulationaudit type must be specified as a parameter for this report.
All circulation audit categories (TJI01) are converted as follows: TheTJI01 entries with an initial circulation audit type in all clientsother than 000 are filled with the value from client 000.
All circulation audit hierarchy types (TJI03) are converted in the sameway.
You must insure that in addition to this report, all editions areconverted using report RJDAUFMA before you can work with the System.