Programme SAP RJIABC00 - IS-M/SD: Update Circulation Book According to ABC

This program updates the delivery quantities for each shipping date inthe circulation book. The program was designed specially for editionswith the audit report type "ABC (USA)".

What is the circulation book?
The circulation book is a summarized statistics table used as a databasis for various evaluations and circulation auditing programs.

What data is updated?
The program generates entries in the circulation book (technical tablename JITCIRCBOOK). The following deliveries are included in the update:

  • This program must be specified as the update program in the audit report
  • type for the edition delivered (Customizing setting)
    • The shipping date for the delivery must be in the past (selection is
    • only possible with past values for the shipping date)
      • Deliveries not yet updated in the circulation book (a technical flag in
      • the delivery prevents delivery update from being repeated)
        • Deliveries for ad pre-print distribution and delta coverage are not
        • included.
          Records are also updated in the circulation book for the followingeditions, although it should be noted that the category is determinedfrom the audit report type of the edition purchased explicitly in thesales order:
          • Editions (of the same publication) delivered as substitutes

          • Combined editions (e.g. Sunday editions)

          • Inserted titles (e.g. supplements)

          • An indicator (JVTLFNG-XIVWFORTS) is selected in all deliveries updatedto the circulation book. This indicator is also selected in thedeliveries whose editions are not assigned to an audit report type (toprevent these deliveries from being read again and interpretedunnecessarily by an index).

            Selection options
            You must specify a shipping period for which the circulation book datais to be updated in the selection criteria. This period must be in thepast. You can either specify it in the form of a from-to interval or byentering a number of lead days. If you do the latter, this number ofdays is subtracted from the current date; the update is performed forthe period from '0' up to the date calculated.
            The deliveries to be updated can also be restricted by plant ('supplyingprinting works'), publication purchased and edition. This means, forexample, that you can perform a parallel update for different editionssimultaneously.
            This selection option refers to the publications and editions purchased,not to the products delivered.

            Which other technical control options does the program provide?
            A variety of parameters allow you to influence the way in which theprogram functions:

            • You can specify a cancellation time and (optional) date to have the
            • circulation book update cancelled at a certain point before completion.All delivery data processed up to this point is updated. The selecteddeliveries that have not yet been updated by this time are processedlater when the program is run again if they are within the selected dataarea.
              You only need to specify a cancellation time for variants that are to bescheduled daily - you do not need to explicitly specify a date.
              • A selection parameter allows you to choose to perform a test run. If you
              • select this parameter, the program simply creates a log but does notmake any changes to the database.


                Which data must be maintained?
                There must be deliveries for editions that have an audit report typethat corresponds to the report and that are valid in the selectedperiod.
                The orders on which the deliveries are based must be classifiedaccording to the audit report type.

                Which types of processing must not be run parallel to the circulationbook update?
                No functions used to change deliveries should be executed parallel tothe circulation book update. These functions are the following:

                • Return processing

                • Netchange for circulation planning

                • Regenerative planning for circulation planning

                • Delivery processing

                • Shipping lead time for insertion/distribution/delta coverage

                • Other update programs (LIS or circulation book) where the plants,
                • publications or editions selected overlap


                  Form of log output
                  Individual generated or changed records are not output in thecirculation book. Instead, the report creates a general log of itsactivities containing information on

                  • Controlling selection criteria

                  • Number of deliveries processed

                  • Number of circulation book records changed or created

                  • Start and end time of program

                  • The log also contains information on any problems and inconsistenciesencountered during the update.
                    The log is also recorded physically on the database as a generalapplication log. This means you can display it at any point later. Toolsallowing you to do this can be found in the circulation book.