Programme SAP RJH_CPD_ADDRESS_TO_CAM_462 - IS-M: Convert One-Time Addresses to Central Address Management in 4.62

IS-M/AM: Convert One-Time Addresses to Central Address Management in4.62

An SADR address was previously saved in the background forone-time customerorders. This address wasrequired for billing. However, the SD and FI modules have not usedtable SADR since Release 4.5A. These modules are using central addressmanagement instead. This means that an address must be created forexisting one-time customer orders in central address management (CAM)subsequently so that these orders can be billed.
A CAM address must be created for each order that contains a referenceto an address number in table SADR (this reference is stored in fieldJHAGPZ-SADR_ADRNR and an entry is only made in this field if a one-timecustomer order is involved). The reference to the new CAM address isrecorded in field JHAGPZ-ADRC_ADDRNUMBER.
If the order has already been billed, the address reference in thebilling header (JHTFK-ADRNR field) must also be updated. An entry isalso made in this field for one-time customer orders.
The program must be executed separately for each client before aone-time customer order is billed. If the program is not performed,billing will be terminated with the error message F5840or F5841. In this instance, you should execute theprogram so that billing can be performed again.
The program can be run several times.

Once you have upgraded to 4.62, you should run this program in allclients, preferably when the system is not busy.