Programme SAP RJHXPRA_463_TJ183 - IS-M/AM: TJ183 - Client Inserted

TJ183 is used to hide FCODEs for each program, ... and user group.
TJ183 was client-independent prior to 4.63. This was corrected in 4.63by inserting the client. This was because a Customizing table forcustomers was involved. Maintenance of user groups is also alwaysclient-dependent.
When the client field is inserted, all entries in all clients are madeavailable for the table conversion.
This XPRA deletes entries from clients in which the specified usergroup does not exist.
The "user group" field in TJ183 can have an initial value but can alsobe masked using '*'.
The '*' value indicates that this value applies to all user groups.This value is retained in all clients in such a way that the existingresponse can still be produced.
The initial value indicates that the entry in TJ183 applies to usersfor which no user group has been entered in the user master. This valueis also retained so that response prior to and after conversion isidentical.

None have been identified. The XPRA can be accessed any number oftimes.