Programme SAP RJHXPRAW - IS-M/AM: XPRA 4.02 - Enhance Document Flow Using Billing Attributes

XPRA during upgrade of IS-M <= 4.01 to IS-M >= 4.02 (document flow)

This program performs two activities:
The Archived indicator in document flow (JHTBF-XARCHIV_EE) isdeselected globally because the logic was incorrect up to Release 4.01.
Document flow (table JHTBF) for the billing item successor objecttype is enhanced by the following three attributes for the billingheader (JHTFK):
Billing category
Sales document category
Cancellation type

Theoretically, the program can be run several times. However, it mustnever be run once an IS-M/AM object with a release >= 4.02 has beenreorganized.
The system determines the data using the database view JHV_BF_XPRAW(Tab. JHTBF and JHTFK).

The update is only performed for records with attributes that do notmatch.

358465M/AM: RJHXPRAW with upgrade to 4.02 or higher