Programme SAP RJHXPRAT - IS-M/AM: Billing Document Reversal: Posting Status as in SD

IS-M/AM: XPRA for aligning the billing posting status to the logic ofthe SD module during cancellation.

As of IS-M/AM Release 4.02, the billing posting status (table fieldJHTFK-RFBSK) has been aligned to the standard SD module forcancellation. This has the following implications:

  • Transferred billing documents that are cancelled retain their original
  • posting status, that usually has the value C =Posting document has been generated.
    Previously, the system set the status to E = Billing documentcompleted by cancellation in these circumstances.
    • When billing documents that have not been transferred are cancelled,
    • the cancellation documents have the posting statusE = Billing document is completed by cancellation.
      Previously, the system set the status to D = Billing document isnot relevant to accounting in these circumstances.
      No changes are now made to billing documents that have not beentransferred and are cancelled. These documents retain posting statusE = Billing document is completed by cancellation.
      No changes are made to cancellation billing documents for transferredcancelled billing documents. These usually retain posting status C= Posting document has been generated.