Programme SAP RJHXPRAB - XPRA for Converting Ad Insert Elements (3.04)

The report RJHXPRAB converts ad insert booking units (JJTBE) and adinsert elements (JJTBEPART) when upgrading to IS-M Release 3.04.
The report can be executed more than once. (Only ad insert elementswhich have not been converted are read in each case). Conversion is notclient-dependent.
If ad insert elements which cannot be converted are displayed in thelog, then these should be converted manually using collectivepostprocessing RJHSIBEP. (This postprocessing is client-specific:Client and basic booking unit are displayed in the log for programRJHXPRAB)
Overview of steps that may be necessary for complete conversion of thedata:
Conversion of ad insert booking units and elements during the upgradeto IS-M Release 3.04 can take place in three steps if necessary:
1.) Automatic conversion using XPRA: RJHXPRAB
(Please see log XPRAs If ad insert elements are displayed there whichcannot be converted, then the following steps are relevant.)
2.) Collective postprocessing of all ad insert elements which cannot beconverted by XPRA (because unique viability set determination was notpossible): Program RJHSIBEP
3.) Individial postprocessing, if collective processing was notpossible for all the elements (because for instance a district whichwas displayed explicitly in the elements no longer exists or is nolonger valid).