Programme SAP RJHXPRAA - XPRA - Restructure Document Flow (JHTBF)

This program restructures document flow (table JHTBF) in the IS-M/AMsystem.

This report can be started or restarted at any time in both the BATCHand ONLINE environment. Prerequisite:
No changes can be made to order documents (JHAK, JHAP, ...), billingdocuments (JHTFK, JHTFP, JHTFPA) and contract settlements (JHTVAABP)during this period. (new creation or update).
The program creates the documents mentioned above, deletes theassociated existing document and restructures document flow. Entries inthe document flow for deleted documents will not be deleted.
When upgrading to Release 3.04, you should run the programs RJHXPRA6,RJHXPRA7, RJHXPRA8 and RJHXPRA9 first, or document flow will not bestructured completely.

The following log entries are generated:

  • Starting point and date of the program

  • Start of processing for each client

  • Number of document items to be processed (cumulated for each client)

  • Error message for documents which have not been processed if necessary.

  • Success message

  • End point and date for the program run.