Programme SAP RJHXPRA6 - XPRA - Preceding Document in Cancelled Billing Document (for 3.04)

This program sets the preceding document reference in the items (JHTFP)of all billing cancellation documents for the cancelled billing item
The fields JHTFP-VGBEL, -VGPOS, -VGETE, -VGTYP, -VGOBJand -VGFKTYP are changed.

This report can be started or restarted at any time in both the BATCHand ONLINE environment. Prerequisite:
No changes can be made to billing documents (JHTFK,JHTFP, JHTFPA) during this period (new creation or update).

The following log entries are generated:

  • Starting point and date of the program

  • Start of processing for each client

  • Number of documents and document items processed (cumulated)

  • Error message (if required) for documents which have not been processed

  • Success message

  • End point and date of the program run