Programme SAP RJHXPRA2 - IS-M: Setup Order Fields SELDAT_VON/_BIS Before Rel. 3.03

Program for restructuring the fields SELDAT_FROM AND SELDAT_TO in theorder item table JHAP. (from 3.03/1 status)
Up to Rel. 3.03 these fields will not be updated. All orders createdbefore Release 3.03 should therefore be updated.
This XPRA must still be run for Release 3.04, since it checks forinitial fields in the JHAP segment. These are initialized using thecreation data for the item.

This report can be started or restarted at any time in both the BATCHand ONLINE environment.
Prerequisite: No changes can be made to IS-M/AM orders during thisperiod. (New creation or update)

The number of changed JHAP records is listed in a log for each client.The start and end time is also displayed.
Individual notes are created in the JE MESSAGES.

  • 161 Change JHAP-SELDAT_FROM/TO started & & (Report RJHXPRA2)

  • 162 Change JHAP: Client & started

  • 163 Change JHAP-SELDAT_VON/_BIS completed & & (Report RJHXPRA2)

  • 164 Change JHAP: & Field JHAP-SELDAT_FROM/TO changed

  • 165 Change JHAP: Error occured in clients &